
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Released : Cave Escape!

Yes! I have finally released my first game as an indie game developer!
It's called Cave Escape, and you can download it on the Android Market.
You can also read about it on my studio's website, Gemas Games.
For this stage, it's only available on android market, although I'm planning on releasing it on other markets for android, and further down the road maybe porting it to iOS platform.

It's really an exciting feeling, or maybe a frightening and exciting feeling both at the same time when you released your first game.
It's exciting as you eager to know how the market will respond, also it's frightening as you wouldn't know what bug that you haven't found that might arise.

Right after the initial release, comes the bug report that the character could fall through the floor, failing the collision check completely.
This bug caused some player could reach a score that's impossible to reach at normal conditions, thus creating an unfair playing field.

I spend the next day creating a fix for this bug, sleeping only for a few hours, and finally 1 day after the initial release I published an update to the game which will fix that disastrous bug.
I hope no more major bug will be found.

As of this day, 2 days after the initial release, Cave Escape has been downloaded 605 times, where the most download number seems to come from Europe, specifically from UK.
The revenue from AdMob ads from those 605 downloads as of this day is just US$ 1.10 :D .... still a long way to go if I want to make a living from this. I'll just have to focus and keep going at developing great games and I'll make it there someday.

I will share the statistics and total revenue of this game after a month, so we could learn from the experience and improve on things for the next month.
I also hope that those statistics will help other developers that also planning to release their games on the android market.

Fight on!

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